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Free Download Nettraffic’s latest version Standalone offline installation for Windows. It is an easy -to -use application that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and all users who are interested in the evaluation of statistics, such as network administrators. It creates a symbol in the system sheet area and immediately monitors the input and output packages. If you click on the symbol, a small field is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen, in which you can display a graphic representation of the real -time results. It can be set in such a way that it always stays up to date on other programs. Statistics recorded
include total, sending and receiving packages, passed time and cursor position in relation to the current state, the average and the forecast. This applies per hour, day, month and year. You can also display diagrams and tables for a certain time frame, select the time unit and select the chart mode between traffic, time and cursor. Statistics can be reset by clicking a button. You can also import and export data. Operating system: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free hard drive: 200 MB or more
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Nettraffic 1.67 Download for free for Windows 10