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From heroes and creatures to vehicles and environments, V-ray helps artists deliver invisible and blockbans effects for winning Emmy TV and over 150 feature films. Easy to navigate the drop -down menus for fast selection of a knot and camera, shared VFB history, shading errors and improvement in baking texture to save time. Houdini 18 support, improved deadline installation and maintenance volume, custom AOV and attribute texture roads enhance and supplement your Houdini workflow. In Houdini’s view. Game assets and real -time environments.
- Simple solution with one click to send jobs to be displayed in the cloud of chaos.
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- Transfer and cancel the properties of V-ray scenes from other applications such as Maya and 3DS Max. V-Ray Fur.
Technical details and system requirements
- maintained OS: Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 7
- RRI: 4 (LI or above, Xeon or AMD EVEN more recommended)
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